Frisky Falls Overboard – iBook

Schoolboy Matt smuggles his pet puppy on to the Pebble Island Ferry. There is trouble ahead!



The book has 28 full colour pages (210 x 210 mm) including a stiff, durable, gloss laminated cover.

About the story

Schoolboy Matt smuggles his pet puppy on to the Pebble Island Ferry. You shouldn’t do that Matt it’s against the rules! Trouble ahead! What happens next? You can probably guess! SPLOSH!! Emergency: Quick, Colin to the rescue with the help of Chesil and her red helicopter. The ferry’s still afloat thanks to Winch and his powerful tug boat. Wow, that was close! Red faces; lessons learned: dramatic rescues; but more new friends for Colin and Rocky. ‘Thanks, well done Colin!’

The book ends with a fun Search Mission.

SKU FFO - iBook Category
Colin the Coastguard