Colin’s Friends
Hi, I’m Colin and I live with Rocky my Search and Rescue dog at the Coastguard Cottage in a small fishing village called Tideswell.
I work as a Coastguard and together with Rocky, make sure that people are safe when they are at the seaside, on the cliffs or on the beach.
If anyone is in trouble I can quickly contact my friends who are always ready to help.


Slippy is Colin and Rocky’s seagull friend. Slippy is always patrolling the skies high over Tideswell and nearby Pebble Island. He often helps Colin and Rocky by being their lookout at sea.
You can read how Slippy became friends with Colin and Rocky in their first adventure ‘Colin Rescues Slippy‘

Chesil is the Pilot of the Tideswell Search and Rescue helicopter. Chesil is always ready to fly her helicopter to the aid of anyone in trouble.
You can read how Chesil helped Colin and Rocky rescue Frisky in their thrilling adventure ‘Frisky Falls Overboard’

Embers is the Tideswell Fire Truck Officer. Embers and his Fire Truck crew are always on standby ready to help Colin in any emergency. Embers drives his Fire Truck very fast when its blue lights are flashing.
You can find out how Embers helps to save a whale in Colin and Rocky’s fantastic adventure ‘Abbie is Stranded’.
Mrs Sharma

Mrs Sharma the Vet looks after all the animals in Tideswell and Pebble Island. Rocky likes Mrs Sharma as she made his paw better after he trod on glass.
You can find out how Mrs Sharma helped Colin, Rocky and Embers rescue Abbie the baby whale in their wonderful adventure ‘Abbie is Stranded’.

Goodwin is the Coxswain of the Tideswell Lifeboat. Goodwin and his crew can launch their lifeboat ‘Tilly-Rose’ at a moment’s notice whenever anyone is at trouble at sea.
You can read how Embers helped Colin and Rocky during the Tideswell Yacht Race in their delightful adventure ‘Mistie Goes Sailing’.

Shelley is Colin and Rocky’s Coastguard friend. Shelley is part of the Tideswell Cliff Rescue Team and helps Colin and Rocky whenever someone is in trouble at the cliffs.
You can read how Shelley helped Colin and Rocky save a baby seal called Solo in their fantastic adventure ‘Rocky Saves Solo’.

Winch is the Captain of the Tideswell Tugboat. Winch is a very old and experienced sailor on whom Colin can always depend.
You can read how Winch helped Colin rescue the Pebble Island Ferry in their exciting adventure ‘Frisky Falls Overboard’.